Vacancy: Compliance & Risk Officer
Friday, 15 January 2021






The National Co-operative Credit Union (NCCU) Ltd invites applications to fill the vacant position of Compliance & Risk Officer – Head Office. 



The Compliance & Risk Officer will:

(a)  ensure compliance with regulations under the Money Laundering (Prevention) Act and  


(b ) Provide training for officers [Board of Directors, Supervisory & Compliance and Credit

      Committees] and employees of the NCCU Ltd staff in Money Laundering (Prevention)Act

      and Regulations and Compliance Techniques

(c)  ensure compliance with the provisions of:

(i)  the Cooperative Societies Act, No. 08 of 2011 Regulations No. 26 of 2001,

(ii) the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism Act No. 3  of 2003,

(iii) By-Laws and Policies of the Society.

(iv) Money Laundering (Prevention) Act and Regulations,

(v)  Compliance Techniques

                        (vi) To effectively carry out the functions of compliance


The Compliance & Risk Officer will:

(a) work with the Board of Directors, Management & Staff to identify and reduce risks including 

     operational and credit risks, through effective intervention and recommend effective control


(b) develops and reviews risk management policies and governance and guides the Board of

     Directors and Management in their application


Applicants should possess a sound knowledge of business and an understanding of the financial industry, and be dedicated

and committed to exceptional member service.  The successful applicant must demonstrate strong ethics, values, integrity and trustworthiness.



(1)   Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Management, Risk Management, Accounting, Finance, Economics or a related field

(2)   Certified training in Anti-money Laundering

(3)   At least two (2) years at Senior Level management in a commercial or financial institution.

(4)   Minimum of five years’ supervisory experience in a financial institution or a Credit union.

(5)   Knowledge of and experience in the use of microcomputers and  software applications, particularly of financial and spreadsheet packages

(6)   Managerial experience would be an asset.

(7)   Knowledge of Cooperative principles and applicable legislations,  would be an asset.



(1) Strong strategic, conceptual and analytical thinking

(2) Excellent  interpersonal, presentation, written and communication skills

(3) Proven experience in planning, motivating & coordinating programmes

(4) Ability to work independently under minimum supervision

(5) Ability to produce neat, clean and accurate work in a timely manner.

(6) Ability to work as part of a team-demonstrated ability to work well with others

(7) Good public relations skills

(8)   Ability to work efficiently and effectively, under pressure, and meet deadlines.



All interested applicants should submit applications to:


The Chief Executive Officer  

                        National Co-operative Credit Union Ltd

                        31 – 37 Independence Street

                        P O Box 175

                        Roseau, Comm. of Dominica






NCCU Grants Christmas Wishes
Tuesday, 05 January 2021

National Co-operative Credit Union Ltd


 Press Release  



A few of the Wish Winners receiving their Wish Vouchers

Amidst the financial uncertainty, fear and sadness brought on by the Covid-19 global pandemic, a very Merry Christmas for some may have been an extremely difficult thing to fathom this year. As “One Big Family” and with its belief in “People Helping People” the National Co-operative Credit Union Ltd sought to bring a little extra Christmas cheer to the faces of some members of its family.

Members were urged to submit their handwritten or electronic wishes to the Marketing Department by December 21st. Marketing Manager of the NCCU Mrs. Shari Pascal – Maronie on radio infomercials promoting the NCCU Christmas Wish 2020 indicated that “every single wish will not be granted though, we wish we could in fact help all our wonderful members.”

On Christmas Eve 10 (ten) members were notified that their wishes were granted. Members in receipt of the assistance expressed immense gratitude to the NCCU for this timely promotion with one member indicating that it would go a long way in helping her to make the Christmas merrier for her children. Members whose wishes could not be granted from the Christmas Wish Promotion were not left out in the cold and they were advised on the proper channels to have their wishes reviewed.   

NCCU thanks all who emailed and submitted handwritten wishes thus providing the institution with the opportunity to Do Good and Feel Good.

A blessed New Year to all.

NCCU Awards Winners of 10th Anniversary Creative Expression Through Art: School Competition
Monday, 28 December 2020


National Co-operative Credit Union Ltd


 Press Release  























Back Row (left to right) 3rd Place Winner Kerensa Joseph, Artist Shadrach Burton, 1st Place Winner Sydney Etienne, NCCU Marketing Manager Shari Pascal – Maronie Front Row: 2nd Place Winner Nilton Valmond

After a deadline extension and an age range inclusion, the National Co-operative Credit Union Ltd has presented the top three (3) students in its 10th Anniversary Creative Expression Through Art: School Competition with their prizes.

Poised with criteria in hand, students across the island aged 7-10 were invited to draw, paint or sketch their creative expressions. The artists were tasked to incorporate keywords NCCU, 10 Years, Anniversary and Young Savers in word or picture form.

In a prize giving ceremony held on Tuesday December 22nd the winning students were presented with their winnings and received encouragement to continue being creative. All entries were submitted electronically and the NCCU called upon the expertise of local artist Mr. Shadrach Burton of Roburton the Brand to assist in selecting the winning entries. Sydney Etienne of the Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School, Nilton Valmond of the Trafalgar Primary School and Kerensa Joseph also of the Baroness Patricia Scotland Primary School triumphed in first, second and third place respectively.

Marketing Manager of the NCCU Mrs. Shari Pascal – Maronie commended the students for participating in the competition and the teachers for encouraging their creativity and not just focusing on the general academic subjects. “Art is something that is important, and with the situation that we’re going through with the global pandemic, art can also be an outlet for the students.” She also went on to thank the parents of the students for supporting them in their endeavors.

Mr. Aylmer Irish, Chief Executive Officer of the NCCU also encouraged the students who have aspirations to become artists to continue working at it. “This is the first in a series of competitions that we are going to encourage.” Mr. Irish reaffirmed that NCCU believes in community and individual development and that if we do well the country will do well. He also invited the parents, teachers and students to make suggestions to the NCCU on ways in which the competition can be improved as the NCCU is open to ideas.

Meanwhile, artist Mr. Shadrach Burton provided some feedback on what he looked for in the winning pieces. “It was not just about the criteria presented but also the creativity. One drawing told a story and another had very great use of water paint and colours, while another showcased great creativity.”

The NCCU also made a donation to the winning schools. The schools received a donation of supplies to encourage creativity as well as hand sanitizers and face masks which according to Mrs. Pascal – Maronie, seemed like a most timely gesture given the current global pandemic.
 1st Place - Sydney Etienne












































 2nd Place - Nilton Valmond

img_1650.3jpg.jpg nilton_valmond.jpg


















































3rd Place – Kerensa Joseph
































NCCU St. Paul Branch Spreads Christmas Love
Monday, 28 December 2020

It's the season for giving and with everything going on worldwide, what better time than now to #dogoodfeelgoodA simple act of kindness goes a long way in the heart of the one who receives it even if it's just a smile.

NCCU loves giving back to the community so when the opportunity arose to share kindness along with a bowl of pumpkin soup by way of a Soup Kitchen on Saturday, December 19th, the St Paul Branch jumped in right away! The Branch also embraced the opportuntiy to donate gifts to those in need as part of the Adult Education Division's Secret Santa initiative. 

We love caring & sharing afterall we are "One Big Family"


NCCU Makes Timely Donation to St. Luke’s Primary School
Monday, 30 November 2020

On Thursday November 26th 2020 the La Salette Branch of the NCCU made a very timely donation to the Students and Staff of the St. Luke’s Primary School at Pointe Michel.

Covid-19 Pandemic has affected our lives and the way we operate. Even, the lives of our children and their education was not left unscathed. At the request of the Dominica Association of Teachers for assistance to schools, The Board of Directors of the NCCU decided to donate a much needed laptop to the St. Luke’s Primary School and staff members of the La Salette Branch of the NCCU were more than delighted to make the presentation on behalf of the NCCU.

We know this will bring a great deal of relief to the teachers as they continue on their quest to educate the children while observing the Covid-19 Protocols.

Present at the handing over ceremony was President of the Dominica Association of Teachers Mr. Mervin Alexander, Branch Manager of the NCCU La Salette Branch Ms. Valda Sweeney and Staff members of the Branch, the Principal, Staff and Students of the St. Luke’s Primary School.

The Branch Manager reminded the group that this gesture fulfilled two of the NCCU's Co-operative Principles: Education Training and Information, and Concern for the Community.

Click here to view presentation

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