• Opening Hours

    Monday - Thursday 8am - 3pm

    Friday 8am - 4pm

    NB St. Paul Branch : Thursday Closed, Saturday 9am - 1pm

Deposit Accounts

Save for and with purpose

Use an ordinary Deposit account to manage the money you need for monthly expenses. Save for purposes such as vacation, insurances, taxes, car repairs in special deposit accounts. Ask a teller to open one or more special deposit accounts for you. Name them for your purpose–eg. Education, Vacation etc.

  • Open and maintain an account with only $5.00
  • No monthly service charges
  • No limit on transactions
  • Free, easy and secure 24-hour access through CUCall (telephone-teller service), CU Online and International Debit Card (ATM)
  • Competitive interest rate paid bi-annually
  • Use deposits as security for a loan
  • Payroll Deduction makes saving hassle-free!

Note: All members/depositors are required to complete a Declaration of Source of Funds (DSF) form for ALL deposits of $10,000 and over, or on any lesser amount as determined by the Credit Union.